Saturday, October 17, 2009

Aliyah is 15 months!

"Aliyah, where is your head?"

Sorry for the super lag on this blog. Aliyah is getting big so fast and between her and wedding season, they have been keeping us pretty busy. Okay okay okay, enough about us, it's about Aliyah hehe.

She walks & runs all over the place, is really great at playing by herself so mommy & daddy can work and likes the cold. She loves outside, plants & flowers, splashing her hands and feet in water, and testing her limits. She doesn't seem to be afraid of much, she bounces back from things that should make her cry and even does some yoga moves while she's throwing a tantrum (<----pretty, stinkin cute!). She sits forward in her car seat, only takes one nap, still nurses to sleep and sleeps pretty good when she's not teething (when ISN'T she teething?! hehe). She has definitely picked out her favorites (friends and family that is) and prefers females, most guys she gives her "stink eye" to (which is pretty cute and funny). Speaking of faces, the girl has a few of them! She rolls her eyes, gives the glare, the testing her limits look, blows kisses, the look of questioning and the most beautiful smile you've ever seen! She can point to a bunch of body parts, make some animal noises and can sign more than 20 words! Though she still only says "mom mom" and "dada." She will repeat words in her own way too, which is awesome! "Whoa!" is "wooooo" for example. :)

Hmmm anything else? Yes, she LOVES dancing, especially when daddy beat boxes and I clap for her. :)

Enjoy the pics!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Aliyah's 1 year Portaits

by Meg Fish Photography

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

10 and 1/4 months update

Hey everyone! Sorry I have been lagging on this blog so much.
Aliyah is growing up so fast. She can stand, walk holding onto someone's fingers, she says "mama" and "dada," but mostly "dada." :) And she's always getting into something new exploring and learning about the world that she's part of aka flushing the toilet and then playing with the water haha.

Here are some fun new photos in another family dress that my mom, me and now Aliyah! Doesn't she look adorable?!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

She's standing!

Our little bug pumped her legs a bunch and then popped right up! Good job Aliyah!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Playtime with her clothes

Aliyah has discovered her dresser!
It was so adorable watching her take out all of her clothes
and put them into different drawers (or on the floor hehe).
Here are some pictures of her new favorite game.