Friday, June 27, 2008

Less than a week 'til due day!

We're getting REALLY excited now! All of our friends who were due around the same time have all delivered and had their babies, we're next up! It's awesome to hear their birth stories, I wonder what our story will be like...

The really exciting news is that I had my 39 week check up today and I'm dilated 1 cm! Not much, but I'm dilated! And that's so exciting! It's really happening, we're gonna have a baby! All of this work isn't going to be for nothing. They are estimating that she will be 7.5-8 lbs and tall (just like her daddy!). But no guess on when she'll get here, only that she is trying to make her way down and I have to let her. ;)

So the bags are packed, the house clean, her room ready, Curtishots photos are almost all done and I have been reading like crazy. We are ready to welcome our daughter into our arms!

We will be sending a Jott message to everyone to let them know when we go into labor (depending on what time it is) and one when Aliyah is here! Jott is a voice mail that we leave and it translates to text messages and emails. If you would like to be on the list, please email me at ASAP.

Please be praying for us during this transitional time and for God's perfect timing and plans.

Much love, Dara & Austin (& Aliyah)

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