Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aliyah in the ER

Yup, that's right! Aliyah got a fever while her and I were in Anaheim staying the week with my parents while Austin was in SF at a Flash conference. We ended up going to the pediatrician the next day. She was worried because Austin & I weren't showing any sick signs. So, she highly recommended we go straight to ER to have tests to make sure that she was ok. I guess when a newborn has a fever without reason, it's a really big deal. So they gave her an iv, took blood, had a chest x-ray, gave her a catheter to get a urine sample and gave her saline into her blood. It was extremely hard to go through and watch.

I was there from 9am-4:45pm, without food or drink and it was effecting me big time because what we didn't know was that I was already sick! I wish my symptoms would have shown before Aliyah's so that she didn't have to go through any of that. It feels so pointless because there was nothing to be shown. Her fever even stopped just from baby Tylenol before the tests ever got started, but that didn't stop them from super pushing us to do "protocol." All for a fever, so crazy how fragile our babies are, yet they can experience more medical "protocol" than the average adult in their lifetime all within 8 weeks of life!

So even though we had a natural birth out of the hospital, I couldn't save my baby from ending up there eventually. It makes us extremely sad.

Aliyah did REALLY good! Everyone kept complimenting on what a good baby she is. But they didn't like me too much because I questioned everything they wanted to do. Like I would them do things just because, I don't blindly trust people, especially not with my baby!
Unleash mama bear on them. Grrrr! ;)
Look at her smile! It's amazing how much our children trust us and will endure anything we allow them to go through. That's why I'm a mama bear! :)

1 comment:

kristen'n'thecrew said...

oh, poor baby! getting blood from a baby is sooo hard-- their veins are just so tiny! (and i know, it is HORRIBLE for a parent to watch) i'm glad she's ok.